PMS: Do you think this will sell?
Let's just stray away from the somewhat intense post from yesterday about Prophet Mohammed, and get back on-track to what Muses... is all about: Quirks!
I think I would've walked into THIS restaurant while in Seoul two weekends ago

... if it weren't for THIS sign

... to me, the words "Tourist Restaurant" equates to saying:
"Welcome! For your dinner tonight, we will be serving YOUR stretched out*Drip sweats and retreats with fear and trepidation...
platinum VISA card, topped with YOUR wallet, shaved into Sashimi-thin slices.
Lest we forget... there's the tip, service charges, and GST".
Pretty Much Senseless (PMS)!!
OK, so maybe tourists who come round to these parts of the world aren't exactly the smartest... The restaurant looks like it's in pretty good shape.
wah...da restaurant slaughten u huh? then ur dinner should b charge in a bomb ...hehehe..
Actually, my first impression of the phrase 'tourist restaurant' involved cannibalism...
Don't go in there, Vincent. Not even out of curiosity!!
lol wah smart.. luckily u didnt go in
lol... and here I tot it's meant to be friendly to the tourist... :p
Jo: I never walk into those restaurants, so I wouldn't have a clue. But I DO have a bad impression of the restaurants tour busses bring us too though!
Laynie: I won't... not even with garlic in one hand and a stake in another!
Smashpop: I save money now so we can go makan when I get back.
M@Ri: Careful lah oi!
hteekay: Ha ha. I honestly don't know if they are ACTUALLY honest or not. But I guess I'll stay away anyway. :P
Driving back to my Hongdae pad last night I was suprised to see that restaurant's sign in Sinchon. You were in my hood, 요!
Max: So did you try walking in just so to verify the prices? lol
Anyway, yeah... I was in Seogangdae for my English exam, which I took for migration purposes.
Ain't checked it out cause their specialites on the sign, 불고기 and 냉면, are typical Korean fare that I can get just about anywhere. Not sure what 생등심 is though...
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