About me: Highlights of my vacation so far...
Alright... I might as well dish out the truth.
Would love to say three cheers, and at the same time, a BIG sorry to my faithful readers, as I will be on semi-hibernation mode for the following one week.Nontheless, here are the highlights of my last two days:
- As I tried to leave my apartment in Korea for the airport, two ladies from Jehovah's Witnesses rock up at my door trying to share their faith to me. Bummer ~ how much more stress do I need on top of being rushed for time, and not knowing whether my flights will be cancelled! I just brushed them away.
- I was on the Korean Airline flight, where Betty (a stewardess) happens to be on duty! That was such a coincidence, because I don't know that many stewardesses. Betty is a sweet little thing from the same hometown as my dad's in Malaysia. We met under the weirdest circumstance earlier this year in Korea...
She kept on a big smile throughout the journey, even though from the looks of it, they were all stressed out with lots to do. I even got me a big-ass bag of peanuts from her. Thanks Betty!
*Unfortunately guys, she's got her a lucky man already. William and Sharon's wedding was awsome. I was in the "band of brothers", where we travelled from Will's house to the hotel Sharon was staying at. There we spent RM188.00 ~ USD$50, ate doughnuts filled with chilli/wasabe/lemon juice/salt, as well as simulated two guys 'humping' one another before the bride was allowed to meet with the groom.
... (Embarassing silence)
Yes, the ladies guarding the door to the bride's room had a bag of eggs tied to our legs. We had to bump each other's legs in order to break the eggs. Malaysian women,
Argh...- Chinese wedding dinners ~ It was that night where I had the greatest revelation of my life. I finally realized why I was born of Chinese heritage.
It's all because of THE FOOD!
The ten course dinner was such a delight... Nay, dare I even say SALVATION, for me who has missed out on Chinese weddings for almost a decade! - Caught up with friends whom I have not seen in YEARS. But the highlight was still the couple to be married off that day ~ William and Sharon!
Did I tell you weddings are a great place to meet women? Yes, I did meet some, but only God and themselves know if they were single. I didn't even bothered asking because I had such a good time! ;)
1. There are Jehovah's Witnesses in Korea? I thought they were all stationed in my neighborhood.
2. doughnuts filled with chilli/wasabe/lemon juice/salt...
WHAT is that, I want one!! Is there a "proper" name for that, so I can get around looking up a recipe...or do I just have to buy an airline ticket?
gnightgirl: Answers to your questions
1. They are EVERYWHERE!!
2. Well, you could probably buy a ticket, but I probably would advise against it. They weren't particularly tasty. The girls probably whipped it up real quick in the kitchen. :P
The girls are creative... I have to give them that. But was it you humping the eggs the the pic some how? 哈哈!
M@ri: Ha ha, I did it before these guys. I thoght it was sooooooooooo clever, I HAD to take a picture! :P
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