Food: Raw fish ~ with class.
Sometimes, when raw fish on a cheap marble bench with water all over a market floor just ain't good enough, a visit to a raw fish house ~ Hoitjib(횟집) may be necessary.
Had a chance to ask a friend out just before Seollal. Since he's a good friend, and the occasion was more of a congratulatory New Year celebration, I couldn't be all cheap ass could I?
That being said, we dined at Sugung Hoitjib (수궁횟집) in the Jinwol/Hadong area. It's a fancy restaurant, which is famous for local delicacies of raw fish and side dishes. The good news is, the cost for something of similar quality, is nothing like that in Seoul or Pusan. A meal for the three of us, which you will see, cost only 80,000 Won (USD$80). Relatively cheap!
--- Savor the unlikely ---
Side dishes flow onto the table in abundance before the main event of sliced raw fish. Contrary to popular belief, none of the familiar radish and cabbage kimchis were present. Instead, we were presented with a selection of mollusks.

As the unsuspecting connoissuer samples the cleverly disguised morsels of death, a potent wisp of ammonia pierces through the nostrils in succession of every bite... and the stench does not back off easily. Not even after multiple shots of Soju!

--- End of Entree ---
Yes... it's true, that was JUST the entree.Here comes the main dish of raw fish ~ Hoei (회). Raw overload!

--- Almost at the end! ---
To wash it all down, there was also the infamous fish broth ~ Maeuntang (매은탕).
wow..thanks to share your good time to indulge in gourmet pleasures from Korea.
few of you really can finished all of these food? really big appetite...:P
Can fedex some over?
Maybe you can consider leaving behind the address of the eating place at the end of the entry so we can tap on the information next time when we do visit Seoul.
I love eating out in Korea. With a bunch of friends, it's so damn cheap. Galbi, and Samgepsal all the way.
Now thats a meal! How was the stomach the next day, and did you wash all this down with a few beers and soju?
Second leaving the eating place's information. Gee, all the glorious food you've showcased in this blog sure tempt me to pick up the korean language. Ha that I can order the food I really want
ei u always eat raw food.. not good le..
Jo: In fact, we didn't quite finish EVERYTHING. Should've have had two more people there probably.
Domestic Rat/Beck: Eh... cannot lah. First of all, ADDRESSES DON'T WORK in Korea. Second, this shop is in a part of Korea that you will most likely NOT visit.
*Clarification: I am NO WHERE NEAR Seoul.
Jason: Yeah man. I'm surprised how cheap some food can be. Down here, it's like USD$6 per person for a hearty meal of samgyeubsal with all those side dishes!
Simon: Unfortunately, I had to drive, and we work real early the next day... A bit too level headed for fun maybe?
Smash: Eh, raw food is good for you lah. In Malaysia, it might be an issue with bacteria and stuff over-populating because of the weather (warm) and humidity. Here it's perfectly fine. :)
On a note though, we DO AVOID raw seafood in July/August when the weather is the hottest for THAT (bacteria/E-Coli) reason. Some raw fish houses even close for a month during that time.
consume raw food is fine, coz some r kinda healthy for us. basically raw food can be ready-to-eat can be high quality food tho... but have to be careful in handling the food sashimi need to have designated cutting board, knife and temperature control. coz need to avoid the cross-contamination and food born illness. :)
as long as the raw food is safe to eat.
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