About me: My new Motorola L6
For the life of me, I finally bought a new phone after saving up money for the last 5 years…
Sounds pitiful? Shower me with money!
Anyway, you can read all about the phone’s specifications on the web, I am sure. Hence I will not elaborate, except some things about the phone I noticed:It’s small and flat. It takes time to get used to, since all the keys are so close to one another.
- The cover is brushed metal and not cheap plastic... so cool!
- You can’t text message in any language other than English, even though menus are available in Chinese.
- The camera sucks, judging by the picture of the mysterious wild panda sighting in the last post.
Then again, all I needed is a phone, who in the world would be in their right mind to compare the photo quality with a *Canon digital camera anyway?*You know where my loyalty stands ;)
- Text messaging ~ Motorola uses it's proprietary iTap system.
I love Nokia’s T9 system (messaging predictive text input) much better than the rest. But honestly I am starting to change my mind about that, even though this Motorola takes a wee while to get used to. I can see that iTap is a lot better than what people give it credit for. Let's compare...
For example, when typing a non-standard word such as “Xceed”:
Nokia’s T9 will prompt you with different combination of letters, and choices of words. When you finally decide that the choices are not what you want, you will be prompted by the system to input a word manually. Once done, the word will be used in the current message, and stored in the dictionary for future messages.
Motorola’s iTap will also go through a list of words. At the end of it, if there were nothing that suits your needs, you’d have to delete the whole word, and start all over, switch to manual input mode, and type.*What a waste of time!
Note though, that ANY word you type on iTap, not only in messages, but also names in the address book, will be stored in iTap for any future use. So when you get a brand new phone, it might take awhile to get the empty iTap dictionary going. But after some time, it gets better. This is the strongest point of Motorola over the others, because T9 ‘remembers’ only when in messaging mode.
Another key thing about Motorola’s iTap is that it does symbols really well, such as the apostrophes. Typing a word such as “Vincent’s” on iTap will be no problem. It even remembers smileys of the likes of “:)”.
Smileys are absolutely hopeless with the likes of T9. By the time you get to “Vincent”, and try to continue with “ 's ”, it would have switched off when you press the 1-button (symbols). Manual mode is needed input the last two characters.
Bravo iTap!
*Surprise surprise!
I believe I got a good deal ~ RM670 (USD$180), which includes all original Motorola warranty. From what I hear from word of mouth, KK is indeed cheaper overall, simply due to the competition.Come buy a phone in KK!
sleek phones i dont fancy
features i want.. ahha
i bought a new phone too...i wanted to buy yours at first, but i still prefer flip phones. I'm a sucker for flippers. hehehee...
Yeah, the camera sucks. My camera sucks too.
phones are expensive in Oz and that sucks!!
i wish it showered money on me too... =)
Wow, i didnt know typing the apostrophes makes such a difference in both phones (which i own). Cause lazy me would just type "Vincents" (understood mah!)
Yes, glad i have a sony ericsson now....hahha
Btw who's the pretty face on the screen!? ;p
" Smileys are absolutely hopeless with the likes of T9. By the time you get to “Vincent”, and try to continue with “ 's ”, it would have switched off when you press the 1-button (symbols). Manual mode is needed input the last two characters." How old is your old phone dear? It's so easy to use Nokia phone for symbol... gosh! U r comparing with ancient phone? That's unfair... ( I am a Nokia loyal all the time )
duno woh..all the while i supports NOKIA. never ever try other brands yet, may b one day i will try motorola or sony ericsson ...
i found Nokia is user frenly and easy to use, not so complicated for the features.
coz i just wanna a simply phone can make call and sms. I not even use my MMS lo..:P
None of the three phones I've had in Korea have supported predictive text entry. While I know it'd be pointless to implement in Korean (too many things are spelled the same), it'd sure be nice for all those English messages I send. Anyway, point is, I have a 6-year-old Motorolla GSM phone that I use when I travel outside of Korea. It's got iTap and it rocks. ;)
" Smileys are absolutely hopeless with the likes of T9. By the time you get to “Vincent”, and try to continue with “ 's ”, it would have switched off when you press the 1-button (symbols). Manual mode is needed input the last two characters."
Dunno what you're talking about. In my 2-yr-old Nokia 7250i, I type V-i-n-c-e-n-t-'-s using T9. Easy! Maybe you finish "Vincent" off before attempting to put the apostrophe.
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