Business: Annoying crap
Now this is how they do business advertising in Korea...

See the crap I have to put up with in Korea?
Ever notice the subtle cultural differences around us? That which we consider weird, different, or even corny. But turn it around, from someone elses point of view, there are also quirks in our cultures that we take for granted too! Let's see if I can spot some of them as I travel across the continents.
Now this is how they do business advertising in Korea...
i say you just leave them and create some kind of 'flyer installation' on your door ;p
they're pretty neat though. neat as in organised, not cool :p
hteekay: They are already doing that. When you walk on the streets, you'll get people pushing flyers into your face. It's common.
k.: I've tried doing that, but the apartment management comes and takes them down before I have a full bloom Christmas tree...
you should try to not clean it up so that it forms a collage at your entrance. it would be doubly cool if the collage went over the edge of your door so that you can't open it.
then again, it wouldn't be very practical...
what a waste of papers. Can't they think of better way for advertising? This is sad case...
Well the bright side would be.... you may get to find out some good deals/bargains or nice eateries out there!!
fergus: Hah, that actually happened. So annoying when I couldn't get the door open!
m@ri: Yeah, it's like an info binge... Too much information and not very efficient.
yuki: I do see a few bargains here and there, but the rest just gets discarded into the bin... what a waste.
recycle them papers dear boy!!!
That is hilarious! Are they stuck on with tape or bogies?
Edina: Well, we do have a pile of papers due for recycling going. You should see the PILE!
Danny: Usually it's tape. Argh!
My god, I typically get just one-a-day, sometimes as many as three.. but you've been plastered!
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