@ Work: Turbine #4 runs!
Well, please excuse me if updates haven't been too timely. Lots have been happening at work.
For once, I can say: "Yipedee doodah yay ~ I have stuff to do, apart from blogging!"

So finally, the 4th and final unit of our turbines started up two days ago, no problems. We've come a long way from nothingness on barren land, to the turbines being installed, commissioned and actually started up. That should be keeping us busy for the next few weeks, doing more testing and commissioning.
Also, 2 other units that have been running are now shutdown for a short period of time. This is what the industry coins as an 'Outage'. This is the time where stuff is fixed, and things are done. Busy busy there too.
Life will be back to normal sometime next week.
eh, let me ask you this. This has got nothing to do with your blog entry. I saw these korean family that came to my cafe. They brought their own kimchi and stuff. But gosh, no offence here, they were really....ummm....at home....sitting with one leg on the chair. like the real chinese style. ok.....so is that normal? that they behave like this? i thought they were like japs...really well mannered....
I really need to know this. I was really shocked.
wah. building turbines? cant imagine doing it.. ><
gene: I guess everywhere, there are the good, the bad, and the ugly... such as the ones you witnessed. Generally Koreans still behave pretty good in public places like restaurants ~ that is apart from the real drunk ones, and the old old ladies who do seem to stick their feet up in public places. :P
smashpop/hteekay: There's a link that says "turbine" in the post. Click on it. It's a link to a previous post to what I do for a living. :)
i know what u do for living lah ! ahahaha kidding., :P
wow u update quite fast
hteekay:alright, i will. hehe...it was just a shortcut anyways, i didnt mean anything.
vincent:the korean girl was young, she was in her twenties. looked pretty alright too. but just didnt expect it coming. hehe....
smash... next time I'm on a job near where you are, you can come take over my job, and I go on holiday then. *Evil grin :P
gene... she probably grew up in the mountains then ;)
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