Travel: Train ride in Korea
I was excited just buying the ticket to go to Seoul last weekend. You know why?
The reason definitely wasn't because of this...

Being the country bumpkin that I am, I have never ever taken a bullet train before, and this puppy went extremely fast! Though the clocked time on the picture was 298.4km/h, I've spotted it doing 300.5km/h!
Wooooooooooooo hooooooooooo!
Everything on the KTX was screaming STYLE, from sleek automatic doors, down to the ultra-comfy seats. Even the suspension must have been some engineering work of art. The train simply did not feel like it was going THAT fast ~ It was so QUIET!
Not to mention, it was a real boost of the ol' ego riding in one...


(until you've picked up SOME Korean)
Anyway, just to let you all know ~ I'm feeling like a little boy again since the choo choo train ride from the weekend. Yipeeeeee!
Tch. You're mortal too ya know!!
But that bullet train looks sooooo cool.
Wow...impressive design...
u sounds so excited to try on this train...really kewl!
what a good experienced...:)
Laynie: Eh... let me ego for two seconds ok.
One more time... "EAT DUST MORTALS!"
jo: Yeah, I guess it's the first time, so it was kind of interesting.
Eh! London is soooooo out!
Paris to London TGV is cool too~ I think it's just as fast and just as comfortable...
I envy you so much your ride on the KTX! Damn!
That's on my list of things to do when I make it up to the mainland next time.
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